Dept of Human Resources Overdose ER Visits
In 2019 12,130 persons went to ERs for overdoses. None for cannabis.
The Impact of Cannabis Access Laws on Opioid Prescribing
“While recent research has shown that cannabis access laws can reduce the use of prescription opioids, the effect of these laws on opioid use is not well understood for all dimensions of use and for the general United States population.”
NC Emergency Department Visits for Overdose
“Report is restricted to N.C. residents between the ages 15 to 65 years.”
The Use of Cannabis in Response to the Opioid Crisis
“Review of the current literature suggests states that implement MC policies could reduce POM-associated mortality, improve pain management, and significantly reduce health care costs. However, MC research is constrained by federal policy restrictions, and more research related to MC as a potential alternative to POM for pain management, MC harms, and its impact on POM-related harms and health care costs should be a priority of public health, medical, and nursing research.”
Cannabis use is associated with reduced risk of exposure to fentanyl among people on opioid agonist therapy during a community-wide overdose crisis
“Participants on on opioid agonist therapy (OAT) using cannabis had significantly lower risk of being exposed to fentanyl. Our findings reinforce the need for experimental trials to investigate the potential benefits and risks of controlled cannabinoid administration for people on OAT.”