NC NORML Cannabis Research Highlights
Research Highlights
This two-page Fact Sheet provides quotes on personal liberty, public support for cannabis, addiction, medical benefits, crime, and financial implications based on current research.
A Summary of the Medical Cannabis Research
This 7 page Research Summary cites numerous studies on the effectiveness of cannabis for treatment of various medical conditions (including PTSD), the importance of dosage, safety, smoking effectiveness, and the opioid crisis.
Revenue Implications of Legalizing Cannabis
This four-page Research Summary cites numerous studies regarding the potential fiscal benefits of cannabis legalization, including the impact on the state budget, cost savings, revenue, and agricultural/industrial jobs.
Medical Effectiveness Depends on Dosage of CBD:THC
This 1 page Fact Sheet cites studies on the medical effectiveness of CBD:THC, THC, and THC:CBD.

The Impact of Cannabis Legalization on the Opioid Crisis
This one-page fact sheet cites research on the relationship between medical marijuana/adult-use legalization and declining opioid prescribing/use/deaths.
Potential Impact of Cannabis on Agriculture & Industry in NC
This two-page fact sheet cites studies regarding the potential fiscal benefits of cannabis legalization on agriculture and industry in NC.
Letter to the General Assembly
This one-page letter was hand-delivered to legislators by Wake County Activists.
Cannabis is a Solution (Not a Gateway Drug)
This one-page fact sheet cites sources that refute the “gateway drug” theory.
Medical Cannabis Research
This six-page Fact Sheet is a compilation of all current research showing the myriad ways in which legal medical and/or adult access to cannabis can decrease suffering and costs to the state of NC related to opioids.
Cannabis: Addiction, Crime, Traffic Fatalities and Cost
This three-page research summary cites numerous studies.